Wisdom teeth removal services in Calgary

Dental extractions are typically a last course of action in dental treatments. However, when it comes to wisdom teeth, the third set of molars, we often take a proactive approach. At Lake Chaparral Dental Care in Calgary, we offer wisdom teeth removal services for patients to preserve oral health and prevent future dental problems. Below, we’ll take a closer look at the wisdom teeth removal procedure.
What to expect from wisdom teeth removal in Calgary
When it comes to the removal of wisdom teeth, methods can vary depending on circumstances. For patients who require a surgical removal that involves removing bone and lifting gum tissue, our team may recommend referral to an oral surgeon. For individuals who are eligible for a simple extraction, the procedure can be done in-office by Dr. Sharma.
During a simple extraction for wisdom teeth removal, the area will be thoroughly numbed, and the teeth will be removed by pulling them. In some cases, the teeth with be cut into sections for easier removal. Following the removal, the area is cleaned and then sutured.
After wisdom teeth removal, patients may experience a few days of pain and swelling. We send all patients home with instructions for after-care along with a follow-up appointment.
Recommendations for after-care following wisdom teeth removal
- Eat a diet of soft foods such as yogurt, blended soups, mashed potatoes, apple sauce, etc.
- Restrict activities and avoid touching the area
- Do not brush teeth or vigorously rinse mouth for 24 hours
- Apply ice to the cheeks to minimize swelling
- Remove gauze from extraction site 30 minutes following the procedure
- Do not use a straw when drinking
- Take pain medications as needed to alleviate discomfort
Signs you may need wisdom teeth removal from Lake Chaparral Dental Care in Calgary
Wisdom teeth removal is typically required when the teeth become impacted or there is not enough room for them to erupt. Here are some common signs you may need wisdom teeth removal:
- Decay in neighboring teeth due to crowding
- An infection in the area of wisdom teeth
- Cysts around the wisdom teeth
- A change in bite due to position of wisdom teeth
To learn more about wisdom teeth removal services from Lake Chaparral Dental Care in Calgary please schedule your consultation today by calling (403) 768-2271.
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