How Long Does Invisalign treatment Take to Work on your teeth in Calgary AB?
Invisalign aligners use the newest, state of the art technology to correct various abnormalities that affect your smile. Unlike traditional metal braces that were often painful and unsightly, Invisalign aligners are almost invisible. They are made from a clear plastic polymer that is shaped to fit your teeth, gradually shifting them so they are properly aligned. The aligners are designed to correct minor issues without minimizing your self-confidence.
How Does Invisalign Work?
Invisalign uses specially made aligners that snap onto your teeth. Once molds of your teeth are taken, 3D imaging is used to create the aligners. Each aligner in the set is designed to shift your teeth a short distance every time it is worn. The aligners are replaced every two weeks to ensure the change is gradual and effective.
Everyone Is Different
Everyone is different. Some patients may need to wear the aligners for six months to a year. Others, who require more significant changes, may need to wear them up to 24 months. In some cases, the treatment plan may be longer, depending on the patient and how much work they want to have done.
What Is Being Corrected?
Invisalign aligners can be used to correct a wide variety of problems, including:
- Gaps in the teeth
- Teeth that are too close together
- Crooked teeth
- Teeth that are not aligned properly
You may experience one or more of these issues. Your dentist can create a treatment plan using the Invisalign aligners that will give you a chance to be proud of your smile.
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Number of Weeks
The number of weeks (or aligners) you need will depend on what type of corrections are being made. Some will take longer than others. Another factor is how well your teeth and soft tissues respond to treatment. In most cases, treatment can last from six months to two years.
Residents who live in the Calgary AB area can visit Lake Chaparral Dental Care if you want to learn more about Invisalign aligners and whether or not they will work for you. Dr. Palka can help you find the answers you are looking for. Existing patients can call (403) 278-5272 to schedule an appointment. New patients need to call (403) 768-2271 and set up their first consultation.
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